Feature List

The system has four levels of access:

  • Administrator access to schedule school courses and allocate Instructors and to download schedules as spreadsheets.
  • Instructor access to enter and amend availability, view and download work schedules.
  • School access to request courses, confirm course offers, cancel or reschedule bookings and download course resources.
  • Public access to enable private course bookings and the listing of publicly-available courses.

These levels of access mirror the way we built and used the site ourselves; the admin access significantly improved our booking efficiency then each subsqequent addition improved efficiency and capacity.

Administrator access 
Scheduling Wizard
View training schedule by school or Instructor
View nearest available Instructors for course
Edit Instructor details
Edit School details
School booking summary
Instructor booking summary
Numerous CSV download reports
Set up and edit school course types
Set up and edit general risk assessment
Set up and edit incident procedure
Set up and edit incident reporting form
Set up and edit map-based area risk assessments, with casualties overlay
Set up and edit customer evaluations
Create emails for automatic sending pre-/post- course
Bulk emailer
Create Instructor CPD courses and records
GDPR notices
Instructor access    
Instructors input and edit availability
Instructor update details
Silver CSV Downloads
Training Site Risk Assessment mapping
Schedule CPD Training
Instructor News
Alert and email alert functions
Process Pay and Expenses Claims
Submit idea and queries about the risk assessment
Submit an incident report
School access    
School request training
School confirm dates offered
School request reschedule or change in numbers
School update contact details
Schools can download Resources
Scheduled Emails to Schools
Bulk Emails to Schools
Invoice creation
School submit Support Ticket
View Instructor DBS number and course risk assessment
Public and Private Courses    
Admin set up and editing of public course types
Public can book and pay for private training
Book and pay for courses open to public
Set up of individual public course date and location
Public Pages Content
Online payment
Instructors log progress for private training
Instructor pay claims for private training
Set variable or fixed fees for private training
Customer evaluation of training